
If your organization has a signed design or implementation agreement with Momentive Software, you are entitled to join. Membership is organizationally-based, and therefore more than one individual from a member organization may attend the meetings and access the members only section of this site. 

Membership Application

About the netFORUM Users Group

  • Our group was incorporated in 1999 and remains independent of the vendor Momentive (previously Community Brands, Abila, Avectra and Ablaze Business Systems).
  • We are completely staffed by volunteers, who also use netFORUM and work in the Association world.   
  • We have more than 100 netFORUM Enterprise member organizations, comprised of long-time net FORUM clients, brand new users, and everything in between.
  • We use member dues to support our quarterly meetings, at which we have educational sessions, networking with peers, and an opportunity to interact with Momentive staff, including executives. 


  • As a group, independent from Momentive, we form a consolidated voice to gain attention to issues and suggest new features and improvements, and we use that voice to bring about solutions and change to benefit all.
  • Our tag line is “Advocacy and Education Through Participation.” 
  • Our primary mission is to promote the education of members in netFORUM and its nuances.  We have a very active community with more than 700 individuals and 9000 discussions in our primary channel (netFORUM Enterprise). 


  • We have partnered with Momentive in past years to offer a $100 discount per registrant to the annual Xperience Conference, only available to our members.   Depending on your staff size and how many of your staff attend, this benefit alone could recoup your dues.
  • Membership is organization-based, so there is no limit as to the number of staff that can create an account in our community.
  • We have a very active online Community where you can post questions and get expert answers.


  • We have quarterly meetings, beneficial to technical and/or non-technical staff, usually held in the DC area as well as at our Chapter locations (Denver and Chicago). These meetings are also accessible via webinar. The content is driven by the membership and always includes a session in which Community Brands answers questions posed by the membership.
  • We host a reception at the Xperience conference for all netFORUM User Group members.
  • We hold a yearly conference that we created by combining our two in-person, member-only special conferences each year where the content is driven by the membership:
    •  Accounting Symposium – brings together users of the Accounting and related modules and discusses topics relevant to that area.  
    • Developer Deep Dive – this is a premier event for developers using netFORUM. 
    • Now the netFORUM Users Group Conference!
  • In 2020 we started two new series, following a lunch and learn format, occurring bi-monthly with short presentations and discussion lasting around an hour.  These meetings are free to members.
    • netFORUM Insights - targeted at our business audience
    • Dev Days - targeted at our technical community, developers, project managers and IT staff